
Favorite Web Sites Explained

I recently added some links to the blog. I'd like to take some time to explain my selections.

1. Cigar Afficianado is probably the best resource for cigar news. You can pretty much find everything from up and coming cigar companies to the latest ratings of the top cigars of the year. I use this site to pick new cigars for my humidor. They give pretty good descriptions of the type of cigar, tobacco used etc.

2. Cigar Monster is probably my favorite cigar site. The daily deals are an amazing resource for picking up some cheap but good cigars. Most of the deals come with free shipping. I recieved most of my purchases next day. I bought some Dominican sticks 20 for $19.95 that are great for every day smokes. Add the Famous Smoke Shop reviews and you have an excellent place to shop for cigars.

3. Scotch Whiskey.net is a good place for all things whisky. I tried to find a good site for all around knowledge and this is the best I could find. It has some pretty good info.

4. Last but not least is Stogie Review. I was tired of just reading cigar reviews. I like to actually see someone smoking a cigar. Watch how it burns, how quickly, etc. This site has many written reviews but it is mostly made up of video reviews that give you a better idea about the cigar they are smoking.

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